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TEA Lab Electromagnet

June 2021 - Feb. 2022


Summer of 2021, I joined the Transport for Energy Applications Lab (TEA Lab) at UCSB as a project intern. My assigned task was to work with another undergraduate student to create a uniform-field, 0.5 Tesla electromagnet to assist in Time-domain thermoreflectance (TDTR) measurements.


I did not have much experience with electromagnets and did not know how they worked well outside of simple wire-nail experiments I had done as a child. I started with researching how electromagnets worked, how they were made, and what their strength depended on. I also looked into current methods of how to create a uniform magnetic field. This included the possibilities of Helmholtz coils and circular cores with an air gap. 

After my partner modeled the lab setup in SOLIDWORKS and we knew how much space we had to work with, we started on making a simple electromagnet to get familiar with the process of making one. We ordered a cast iron rod and graphed a portion of the hysteresis loop. 

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With the successful test of the cast iron core, we moved to a higher permeability metal, mild steel, and shaped it into our desired shape in the machine shop. 

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The core produced a slightly non-uniform magnetic field and went up to a magnetic field strength of 59.2 mT. Our original goal was to get up to 0.5 Tesla. To strengthen the field and make it more uniform, I contacted a professor, Prof. Doug Bradley, to make an iron core for us out of mild steel. I provided him with the sketch for the core along with the material and tolerances. We wrapped the new core in a lower gauge wire to increase current flow and decrease resistance which was causing the core to heat up quickly. 

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This mild steel core made by the professor was not as strong as the core my partner and I made ourselves. So we went back to the core we made and rewrapped it with the lower gauge, red wire. I wrapped as many loops as I could around the wire to increase the field strength according to the formula B = NLI or (magnetic field strength)=(loops per length)(length of core)(current through wires). 


With this setup, we managed to reach a field strength of 104mT. While this was the highest field strength we had reached, the core was still heating up quite significantly and had a current of 4.3A. To increase the field strength more, we would need to simultaneously increase the amount of wire loops, increase the current through the wire, and find a way to cool the electromagnetic core. Our professor decided that he did not want to continue with the project stating, "No wonder the strong lab-grade electromagnets cost so much." 

Results and Lessons Learned:

We ended the project with a core that could produce 0.1 Tesla and maintain the field strength for a few minutes before overheating. While we didn't reach our goal of producing 0.5 Tesla, I still learned a lot about electromagnets and lab research. I gained experience with documenting my work, managing the experimental data, and plotting it in MATLAB. I also got introduced to COMSOL Multiphysics as I tried to model the electromagnets.


Below are some other things I learned while working on the project:

  • To start with any project, you have a goal in mind 

    • You know what you want and what you need out of the project to provide a final goal

  • Once you have the goal, move on to research. Look through research papers and other literature on the subject and related to the project

    • Look at what products already exist

    • Take notes, see what you can use, learn, and adapt

  • Brainstorm ideas and solutions

    • Think about what would achieve the goal the best, what would be easiest to make, what would be the quickest way, and what would be the least expensive

  • With any tests done or prototypes made, plan it out

    • Plan dimensions

    • Plan the process behind making the prototype or running the test

    • Plan what exactly you want to gain from a test

    • Plan how to do things efficiently and effectively

  • Use models as needed

  • Continue to adapt and adjust plans

  • Completing a project is good, but making sure you learn what you want from it is just as important

  • Build the habit of reading literature and papers

  • Some projects might need to be set aside or given up on depending on the benefits gained from the amount of effort required

Overall, the professor seemed to like my work with the electromagnet and decided to keep me working in his lab on another project: Dynamics of Hydrogels. 

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